- Lifetime Warranty
The Ceramic Pro Gold is designed for the daily driver, or someone who is looking for maintenance free permanent protection.
- 3 layers of Ceramic Pro 9H Glass Shield on all painted exterior surfaces
- 1 layer of Ceramic Pro Light on all painted exterior surfaces
- 1 layer of Ceramic Pro Wheel and Caliper on Wheel Faces
- 2 layer of Ceramic Pro Rain on Windshield

- 2 Years Warranty
The Silver Package offers an excellent permanent exterior protection on your entire vehicle. It shows great scratch resilience and unbeatable water beading properties.
- 1 layer of Ceramic Pro 9H Glass Shield on all painted exterior surfaces
- 1 layer of Ceramic Pro Light on all painted exterior surfaces
- 1 layer of Ceramic Pro Wheel and Caliper on Wheel Faces
- 2 layer of Ceramic Pro Rain on Windshield

- 1 year warranty
The Bronze Package offers a great exterior protection on your entire vehicle. This coating is designed for the new every 2 years, or leasing type of customer.
- 1 layer of Ceramic Pro 9H Glass Shield on all painted exterior surfaces
- 1 layer of Ceramic Pro Light on Wheel Faces
- 2 layer of Ceramic Pro Rain on Windshield
* Ceramic Pro may require some “Paint Correction” and additional fees may be applied. Price on request.
** Packages also available for motorcycle.